Katagami Postcard


老舗の型紙問屋、起型紙商店様の型紙ポストカードを企画・デザインしました。伊勢型紙とは、三重県鈴鹿市白子の伝統工芸品で、着物や浴衣の柄を染める版のことを指します。江戸時代には紀州藩の庇護のもと白子で生産され、日本全国に販売されていました。型紙は長い歴史の中で様々な技法や意匠を生み出してきましたが、現在では時代の流れとともに衰退の一途をたどっています。 そんな中、近年では若い職人が新しく加わるなど、技術の継承や新しい型紙の活用法も生まれています。このポストカードも、そうした流れの一助になれれば幸いです。
I planned and designed a series of stencil postcards for Okikigami Shoten, a long-established stencil wholesaler. Ise-katagami refers to traditional craft stencils from Shirako in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, used for dyeing patterns on kimono and yukata. During the Edo period, these stencils were produced in Shirako under the patronage of the Kishu Domain and sold throughout Japan. Over its long history, many techniques and designs have been developed, but in recent years, the craft has been in decline due to changes in the times. However, in recent years, new young craftsmen have joined the industry, leading to the preservation of techniques and the development of new applications for the stencils. I hope these postcards will contribute to that positive trend.