

TVの料理番組やCMに、お嫁さんと義理の父の異色のコンビでご出演されている料理研究家の「小林まさみ」さんと「小林まさる」さんがプロデュースした商品です。 とても辛いこの商品は、まさるさんが満州に住んでいた頃によく作って食べていたもの。 撮影や収録の合間にスタッフにまかないとして出していたところ、評判が良く商品化になったとこのとです。 まさるさんの自慢の一品ということで、イラストでも本人に登場してもらっています。
This product is produced by culinary researchers Masami Kobayashi and Masaru Kobayashi, who are known for their unique combination as a daughter-in-law and father-in-law duo on TV cooking shows and commercials. This very spicy product is something that Masaru used to make and eat frequently when he lived in Manchuria. He started serving it to the staff during breaks in filming and recording sessions, where it became so popular that it was eventually commercialized. As this is one of Masaru's proud creations, he even appears in the illustration on the packaging.