Concentration Zaku H


コンセントレーション作 凝縮Hは、特殊なフィルターを使い通常の酒から水分のみを取り除き、味わいを凝縮したお酒。醸造酒でありながら30℃の高濃度のアルコール度数を実現。食前酒やデザート酒として、日本酒の新しい愉しみ方を提案する酒です。

ドイツの「iF Design Award 2018」のパッケージ部門デザイン賞を受賞させて頂きました。
"Concentration Zaku Condensation H" is a sake made by using a special filter to remove only the water from regular sake, thus concentrating the flavor. Despite being a brewed sake, it achieves a high alcohol content of 30°C. This sake offers a new way to enjoy sake, whether as an aperitif or a dessert wine.
Unlike typical sake, which is bottled in colored glass to avoid ultraviolet light, this sake is packaged in clear bottles due to its high alcohol content. This allows the bottle to create a lens effect when placed in its box, with the graphics representing the fermentation process visible through the bottle, symbolizing the concept of condensation.

We were honored to receive the "iF Design Award 2018" in the Packaging category in Germany.