New Suzukagawa


清水清三郎商店で初めてブランド全体のデザインをさせていただきました。清酒 鈴鹿川は同社のブランド作とはコンセプトの異なるラインです。作は地酒を扱う専門店などに向けたお酒。一方鈴鹿川はスーパーマーケットなど一般の酒売り場で扱われるお酒。そのため一般の普段日本酒を飲まない方にでも手に取っていただけるような、手に取りやすい柔らかいデザインを心がけています。
I had the opportunity to design the entire brand for Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten for the first time. The "Suzukagawa" sake line is conceptually different from the company's "Zaku" brand. While "Zaku" is targeted at specialty shops that focus on local sake, "Suzukagawa" is designed for general liquor sections in supermarkets. Therefore, we aimed for a soft and approachable design that would appeal even to those who don't usually drink sake.