Zaku Limited Series by Rice Production Region

作 米の産地別 限定シリーズ

米の産地別シリーズ。約3ヶ月ごとに人気の酒造好適米 兵庫県の山田錦、岡山県の雄町、三重県の神の穂を使いそれぞれの個性豊かな味わいを追求したシリーズ。数量限定品で売り切り商品のため、ラベルを貼らずにボトルに印刷している。
The Rice-Region-Specific Series is released approximately every three months and features popular sake brewing rice varieties such as Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo Prefecture, Omachi from Okayama Prefecture, and Kami no Ho from Mie Prefecture. Each series pursues the rich and unique flavor of the specific rice variety. The product is a limited edition and a one-time release, so instead of using a label, the design is printed directly on the bottle.